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Fakultät Raumplanung

M.Sc. Modul 1: Legacy Cities in the Northern Hemisphere: Case Studies of Trajectories and Regeneration Strategies

Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiechmann, Dipl-Geogr. Marian Günzel (ROP)

Urban shrinkage is one of the main challenges of contemporary urban development in many advanced countries. At the beginning of the 21st century, shrinking cities are widespread across the northern hemisphere. In the affected areas, several causes for population loss can be traced, such as demographic change, outmigration, structural changes in the economy, and suburbanization. These changes lead to urban decline of sometimes severe extent and cause substantial problems: high vacancies, oversupply of infrastructures, fast ageing of the remaining population and a poor image of the place. However, over the past years many shrinking cities developed local strategies to respond to these challenges in various ways.

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Tag von bis Rhytmus Ort Beginn
Fr 08:30 10:00 wöchentlich GB III / 214 11.04.2014

Based on theory driven background knowledge and illustrating case studies the seminar will focus on the analysis of causes and effects of urban shrinkage as well as tested regeneration strategies in so called legacy cities across Europe and North America. It aims to contribute to a better understanding of an increasingly shared though complex path of urban development.



  • Hollander, J. B. et al. (2009): Planning shrinking cities, Progress in Planning, Vol. 72 (4): 223-232

  • Mallach, A. (ed.) (2012): Rebuilding America's Legacy Cities: New Directions for the Industrial Heartland. New York: The American Assembly, Columbia University. ISBN: 978-1469923574

  • Mallach, A., Brachman, L. (2013): Regenerating America’s Legacy Cities (Policy Focus Report), Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, ISBN 978-1-55844-279-5

  • Martinez-Fernandez, C. et al. (eds.) (2012): Demographic Change and Local Development: Shrinkage, Regeneration and Social Dynamics, Paris: OECD/LEED

  • Martinez-Fernandez, C. et al.(2012): Shrinking Cities: Urban Challenges of Globalization, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 36 (2): 213-225.

  • Pallagst, K.; Wiechmann, Th.; Martinez, C. (Ed.) (2013): Shrinking Cities: International Perspectives and Policy Implications, Routledge Advances in Geography Vol. 8, New York: Routledge

  • Pallagst, K. et al. (2009): The Future of Shrinking Cities: Problems, Patterns and Strategies of Urban Transformation in a Global Context. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development.

  • Wiechmann, Th. (2008): Errors Expected — Aligning Urban Strategy with Demographic Uncertainty in Shrinking Cities, International Planning Studies, Vol. 13 (4): 431 - 446.

  • Wiechmann, Th.; Bontje, M. (2014): Responding to tough times: policy and planning strategies in shrinking cities, in: European Planning Studies, Vol. 22 (4): 1 - 11 (DOI 10.1080/09654313.2013.820077)

  • Wiechmann, Th.; Pallagst, K. (2012). Urban shrinkage in Germany and the USA: A Comparison of Transformation Patterns and Local Strategies, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 36 (2): 261-280

M.Sc. Spatial Planning (2012): Requirement for passing this course is a proof of successful active participation in terms of the examination regulations and according to the module handbook. This includes regular class attendance and active contributions to seminar discussions as well as leading a discussion, a good grasp of the required readings (selected research articles and topical chapters drawn from planning literature), the preparation and presentation of an urban case study in a study group of 3 students, and a final reflective essay making full use of the acquired knowledge.

M.Sc. Raumplanung (2008): Die Veranstaltung wird als Pflichtveranstaltung einer Vertiefungsrichtung abgeschlossen über eine benotete Studienarbeit oder, gemeinsam mit einem weiteren Element, über eine mündliche Prüfung. Alternativ kann die Veranstaltung als Wahlpflicht-Veranstaltung belegt werden und wird mit dem Nachweis der erfolgreichen aktiven Mitarbeit abgeschlossen. Daran werden die o. g. Anforderungen gestellt.


Prof. Dr. habil. Thorsten Wiechmann
Tel.: 0231 755-5428
E-Mail senden


Weitere Informationen:

Art der Veranstaltung: Seminar

Dauer:  2 SWS

Punkte: 4 LP