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- Prof. Dr. habil. Thorsten Wiechmann
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiechmann

Since 2010, Thorsten Wiechmann has been Professor of Spatial Planning and Planning Theory at the TU Dortmund School of Spatial Planning, Germany. From 2018 to 2022, he led this largest European planning faculty as dean. Before moving to Dortmund, he held the chair of spatial planning at TU Dresden, where he was also director of the Institute of Geography. He received his PhD in Geography and Urban Planning from the University of Bonn. From 1998 to 2007, Thorsten Wiechmann was a senior researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Spatial Development (IÖR) in Dresden. Since 2020, he has served as German representative on the Council of Representatives (CoRep) of AESOP. He has published more than 100 papers and coordinated research projects in more than twenty countries. These activities focused on issues related to the transformation of cities and regions through spatial planning, strategic planning and metropolitan governance procedures and instruments.
- Spatial Planning: instruments and procedures of state and regional planning, regulations on settlement and open space structures, informational and persuasive instruments
- Strategic Planning: contents, processes and contexts of strategic spatial planning for cities and regions, evaluation of strategic planning.
- Metropolitan Governance: issues of governance and development of polycentric metropolitan areas
- Urban River Regeneration: river restoration and urban regeneration, international comparative research on old industrial regions
- Urban Restructuring: strategies for restructuring cities and regions in the context of demographic change in Europe, North America and East Asia; safeguarding the provision of services of general interest
- Planning theory: reflection of discourses on planning theory, issue attention cycles in planning research, history of spatial planning
2018 - 2022 | Dean of the School of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University |
since 2016 | Speaker of the Competence Field Metropolitan Research of the University Alliance Ruhr |
since 2014 | External Member of the Research Centre for the Local Public Human Resources and Policy Development (LORC), Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan |
since 2010 | Full Professor for Spatial Planning and Planning Theory and Head of the respective working group at TU Dortmund University |
2009 - 2010 | Director of the Institute of Geography at TU Dresden University |
2008 - 2010 | Full Professor for Spatial Planning at TU Dresden University |
2007 - 2009 | Interim Professor (cum spe) of Regional Planning at BTU Cottbus University |
2007 | Habilitation (DFG-funded) in 'Spatial Planning' at TU Dresden University; Habilitation thesis on "Planning and Adaptation - Strategy Development in Regions, Organizations and Networks" |
2005 - 2017 | Scientific Advisor to the Bertelsmann Stiftung in the field of 'Municipalities and Regions in Demographic Change'. |
1999 - 2008 | Lecturer at the TU Dresden University |
1998 - 2007 | Project Manager for Regional Development and Strategic Planning at the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER), Dresden; 2000 - 2004 Head of the research area 'Strategies of Ecological Restructuring in Cities and Regions’ |
1998 | Doctorate on the topic "From plan to discourse? Requirements profile, range of tasks and organization of regional planning in Germany" at the University of Bonn |
1996 - 1998 | Lecturer at the University of Bonn |
1995 - 1998 | Consultant, ECON Consult GmbH & Co KG, Cologne |
1995 - 1998 | Doctoral Fellow of the German National Academic Foundation |
1994 - 1995 | Research associate at the Institute for Urban Planning at the University of Bonn |
1988 - 1994 | Studies of Geography, Political Science and Sociology of Development at the University of Bonn, Germany |
Member of the Supervisory Board of Allmende Emscher-Lippe eG (since 2023)
Member of the General Assembly of the Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research (IRS) (since 2022)
German Representative in the Council of Representatives (CoRep) of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) (since 2020)
Member of the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL) (since 2011), ARL University Ambassador at the TU Dortmund University
Tutor of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Academic Scholarship Foundation) at TU Dortmund University
Association of Geography at German-speaking universities and research institutions (VGDH)
Member of the Shrinking Cities International Research Network (SCiRN), (2008 – 2010 Chair des Managing Boards)
Chair of the COST Action Cities Regrowing Smaller (CIRES) (2008 - 2013)
Wiechmann, Th.; Buße von Colbe, J.; Jenssen, T.; Klemme, M.; Schulze Dieckhoff, V. (2024): Zur Zukunft der Planung. Vier Szenarien als Ausgangspunkte der strategischen Weiterentwicklung, in: RaumPlanung, Heft 226 / 2-2024, S. 21 - 28
Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) (Hg.) 2023): Regiopolen und Regiopolregionen in Deutschland. Empirische Befunde und raumordnungspolitische Empfehlungen. Bearbeitet durch Andrea Hartz, David Frey, Anna Buchholz, Stefan Greiving, Thorsten Wiechmann und Thomas Terfrüchte. Bonn
Hutter, G.; Wiechmann, Th. (2022): Time, Temporality, and Planning – Comments on the State of Art in Strategic Spatial Planning Research, in: Planning Theory & Practice, Vol. 23, Nr. 1, S. 157 – 164 (open access article)
Gravert, A.; Wiechmann, Th. (2022): Themenkarrieren in der Wissenschaft – Zur Entstehung wissenschaftlicher Diskurse am Beispiel der Themen ‚Schrumpfende Städte‘ und ‚Klimawandel‘, in: Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde, Themenheft Disziplingeschichte und Wissensproduktionen in der Geographie, Band 95 / 1-2022, S. 73 – 96
Wiechmann, Th. (2021): Planning Theory. In: Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL) (Ed.): The Compendium of Urban and Regional Development, Hannover, URN: 0156-559916442
Wiechmann, Th. (2021): Strategic Planning. In: Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL) (Ed.): The Compendium of Urban and Regional Development, Hannover, URN: 0156-559924795
Terfrüchte, Th.; Frank, S.; Wiechmann, Th. (2021): Innerstädtische Disparitäten und Segregation – Messung und Deutung, diskutiert am Beispiel der Stadt Remscheid, in: RaumPlanung, Themenheft ‚Segregation und Disparitäten in Stadt und Region‘, Heft 213 / 5-2021, S. 14 – 21
Terfrüchte, Th.; Greiving, S.; Wiechmann, Th. (2021): Regiopolregionen und gleichwertige Lebensverhältnisse – Regiopolindizes als Evidenzbasis der aktuellen Debatte, in: RaumPlanung, Heft 212 / 3/4-2021, S. 47 - 53
Terfrüchte, Th.; Hardt, D.; Wiechmann, Th. (2021): Was wissen wir über Quartiere? Die Verknüpfung und Verräumlichung kleinräumiger urbaner Daten als Chance, in: RaumPlanung, Themenheft ‚Kommunale Geodaten, Geodatenmanagement, Open Data‘, Heft 211 / 2-2021, S. 52 - 56
Gravert, A.; Günzel, M.; Wiechmann, Th. (2020): Sie können nicht mit- und nicht ohneeinander. Zum komplexen Verhältnis von Planungswissenschaft und Planungspraxis, in: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Heft 2/2020, S. 14 – 25 (open access article)
Wiechmann, Th. (Hg.) (2019): ARL Reader Planungstheorie, Band 1: Kommunikative Planung – Neoinstitutionalismus und Governance, Springer Spektrum, Heidelberg
Wiechmann, Th. (Hg.) (2019): ARL Reader Planungstheorie, Band 2: Strategische Planung – Planungskultur, Springer Spektrum, Heidelberg
Gravert, A.; Günzel, M.; Wiechmann, Th. (2019): Wie entstehen Themen in der Planungswissenschaft?, in: Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning, 77 (3), S. 1– 17, published online 6. April 2019 (open access article)
Wolff, M.; Wiechmann, Th. (2018): Urban growth and decline: Europe’s shrinking cities in a comparative perspective 1990-2010, in: European Urban and Regional Studies, Vol 25 (2), S. 122–139 (open access article)
Schmitt, P.; Wiechmann, Th. (2018): Unpacking Spatial Planning as the Governance of Place: Extracting Potentials for future Advancements in Planning Research, in: disP - The Planning Review, Vol. 54, Issue 4, S. 21 – 33 (open access article)
Schulze Dieckhoff, V.; Becker, D.; Wiechmann, Th.; Greiving, S. (2018): Raummuster: Demographischer Wandel und Klimawandel in deutschen Städten, in: Raumforschung und Raumordnung, Heft 3/2018, S. 211-228 (open access article)
Wiechmann, Th.; Bontje, M. (2015): Responding to tough times: policy and planning strategies in shrinking cities, in: European Planning Studies, Vol. 23, Issue 1, S. 1 – 11, , DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2013.820077
Pallagst, K.; Wiechmann, Th.; Martinez, C. (Hg.) (2013): Shrinking Cities: International Perspectives and Policy Implications, Routledge Advances in Geography Vol. 8, New York
Wiechmann, Th.; Pallagst, K. (2012): Urban shrinkage in Germany and the USA – A comparison of transformation patterns and local strategies, in: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 36, Issue 2, S. 261 – 280 (open access article)
Wiechmann, Th. (2008): Errors expected – Aligning Urban Strategy with Demographic Uncertainty in Shrinking Cities, in: International Planning Studies, Special Issue on Demographic Changes and the New Landscapes for Planning, Vol. 13, Nr. 4, S. 431 – 446, DOI: 10.1080/13563470802519097
Wiechmann, Th. (2008): Planung und Adaption - Strategieentwicklung in Regionen, Organisationen und Netzwerken, Dortmund
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TU Dortmund University
Department of Spatial Planning
Research Group of Spatial Planning and Planning Theory
August-Schmidt-Straße 6
44227 Dortmund
Campus South
GBI, 3. Upper floor
Room 1.413
(+49) 231 755-5428
(+49) 231 755-4785
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